A chin augmentation improves the contour of the chin and the surrounding area. In many cases, an implant is fitted to the bone of the chin and placed beneath the skin. This procedure is usually performed when the individual is not happy with the projection of their chin. The purpose of the chin augmentation is to provide balance to the features of the face. Although the chin is usually proportionate to the size of the nose, the chin can be underdeveloped. This can increase the prominence of the nose just as a large chin can make the nose appear smaller. The procedure can include a facelift or a neck lift to provide better definition for the jawline.
The best candidates have reasonable expectations and are in good health. A chin implant will enhance the facial features. Prior to the surgery, the individual schedules a consultation with a plastic surgeon. Any prior dental issues, the full medical history, all current medications, supplements and vitamins, and previous reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries are discussed. The surgeon will ask the reasons the individual wants to have a chin augmentation, inquire about their goals, why the person is interested in changing their appearance and if they plan on having any additional cosmetic procedures or surgeries in the future.
The Procedure for a Chin Augmentation
Under normal circumstances, the chin augmentation is performed on an outpatient basis. If the individual will need to stay in the hospital, the surgeon will inform them prior to the surgery. This is dependent on the specifics of each surgery. The length of the surgery depends on exactly what is being done. In most cases the procedure requires one to two hours.
It is important to have a friend or family member provide transportation home from the hospital and remain for the first night. The surgeon will provide instructions regarding medications and foods that should be avoided both prior to and after the procedure. If the individual smokes, they will be informed as to the length of time they need to quit before and after the surgery. A loose, button down shirt or blouse should be worn on the day of the procedure. The recovery period is fairly fast. Most people only require one week prior to returning to work. This depends on if more than one procedure are being performed.
If you are interested in having a chin augmentation, feel free to get in touch with the team at Bose Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL to learn more. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!